15:33 , 0 Comments

Tonight we're having one of many blackouts we'll be hosting this year! The reasoning behind having the blackout tonight is due to a large proportion of people partaking in Mayhem. This will mean that a lot of rooms around Towers will tonight be empty. Due to such a vast number of people not being in towers this is why it made sense to hold the blackout this evening.

On the night of Halloween Mayhem, from Midnight to 3am, we are having a complete Campus Blackout. Which means when you leave your rooms to go out you need to, turn off all light switches as well as turning off plug sockets. This all goes towards Hall of the Year points as well as Towers gain pro-activity points which will in turn raise our chances of winning hall of the year.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.